This tutorial will show users how to share or edit sharing rights for a project that they’ve created in Canva.
STEP 1: Edit Sharing Settings
The default sharing settings for Canva is set to "Restricted". To share your document with others:
- Open the Canva project and select the share button at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Step 2: Share by users
Sharing by users allows you to share your document to select people. Only those users listed will be able to access the document.
- Type in the user's IUSD email address.
- Using the purple link at the top, select the permission you want them to have (Viewer, Commenter, or Editor).
- “Can Edit” - Allows users to edit anything in the document.
- “Can comment” - Allows users to give feedback, but not edit the document.
- “Can View” - Allows users to view the document. (Similar to sharing a PDF.)
- Click Share when finished.
Step 3: Share by Link
By default, projects are set to “Only you can access”. Sharing documents by a link allows users to share with a broader group of people. Users can choose to make the link shareable to,
- Anyone at their site -Allows anyone in their Canva site team access
- Anyone with the link-Allows anyone in or outside of IUSD to have access
Select the type of access you would like anyone with the link to have.
- Anyone with the link “can view”- allows users to view only. This is similar to a pdf.
- Anyone with the link “can comment”- allows users to only comment by selecting elements on the project and leaving a comment. (similar to highlighting a Google doc.)
- Anyone with the link “can edit”- allows users to have full editing rights for the project.
- Select “Copy Link” when you’re ready to share.
NOTE - Selecting Anyone with the link will allow any person to access your document as long as they have the shareable link. If you have sensitive material on the document, do not select this option.
Step 4: Editing Access
- To see who you are sharing a document with, or what settings they have, you can click the Share button, then Edit on the document at any time and see the People with Access.
- From here, you can change their permissions, or remove their access.
This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at helpdesk@iusd.org.
Last updated 8/26/24 [CK]
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