Data Confirmation Instructions (formerly known as Re-Reg)
Step 1: Login to Aeries
- Login to
- Enter your email address and password (this will be the same information used to login to Parent Portal)
- Parent portal accounts are automatically created when a student has enrolled in IUSD.
- If you DO NOT have a parent portal account, please contact the front office staff at your student’s school to add your email address to the contact record of your student. Once the email address is added or updated, your parent portal account will automatically be created and you will receive an email from with your account information.
- If you forgot your password, please click on “Forgot Password?”
- If you need assistance logging in, please contact the front office at your child’s school or
Step 2: Select Student
- Once you log in, the system will default to your child.
- If you have more than one child, you will need to move your cursor over “Change Student” in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and follow these instructions, How to Change Students in Parent Portal
- Please note that Data Confirmation must be completed for each student.
Step 3: Student Data Confirmation Process
- In the Student Info Tab, please click on “Data Confirmation” in the dropdown menu. Please complete each of the tabs listed below and follow the instructions provided.
New View Original View
1. Family Information
Please select whether or not the Father, Mother, or Legal Guardian of this student is active in the United States Armed Forces. Please click on “Confirm and Continue” to move to the next tab.
2. Student
Update any changes by clicking the “Change” button at the bottom of the page. Once changes are complete, please click on “Confirm and Continue.”
3. Contacts
Change/Add/ Delete contacts in this tab. Please be sure that the Relationship and Ed Level fields are completed in the Contacts screen. Once changes are complete, please click on “Confirm and Continue.”
4. Medical History
Medical History & Current Medical Conditions will list your student's medical concerns/conditions currently on file. SAVE any updates to this section.
Add medical conditions not listed in the Medical History & Current Medical Conditions section below and check all boxes that apply. SAVE changes.
If adding Medications at home or school, please list the medication, dose, and frequency.
Once the changes are complete, please click "Confirm and Continue."
Please note: If your student does not have any medical conditions, you do not need to select any medical conditions, just click on "Confirm and Continue."
5. Documents
Please read each document in this section, and follow the instructions listed. The Residency Affidavit must be completed online for each student. To access the 2024-25 Residency Affidavit, click here. Then click “Confirm and Continue.”
6. Authorizations
Please review all information on this screen with your child and click Allow, Deny, or Opt-Out when appropriate. Once complete, please click “Save” at the bottom of the page. Please click “Confirm and Continue.”
7. Final Data Confirmation
Please confirm that all information has been read and that you have completed the online data confirmation process. Once complete, please click the Finish and Submit button. Follow any further instructions listed. Please note: the system will only allow you to perform Final Data Confirmation once all the previous tabs have been completed.
Parents will receive a confirmation email when the data confirmation is complete.
This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at
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