This tutorial will show students and staff how to login with their network credentials. Elementary students will see only elementary content. Middle school students will see elementary and middle school titles. High school students and staff will see all content.
Step 1: Go to https://iusd.org/sora
Fill in your username in the format without “@iusd.org” and your password. Then click “Sign in”.
Step 2: Browse for a book
Once you are logged in, you will see book covers that you can click on to find out more about the book or you can use the search box to search by title, author or keyword, for example, or you can search by subjects.
Step 3: Check out a book.
Once you find a book that you wish to check out, click on the cover and choose the “Borrow” option.
Step 4: Viewing the books you have checked out
Each user can check out up to two books at a time in Sora. To see what you have currently checked out, click on the Bookshelf icon at the bottom of the screen.
Step 5: Open the book.
You will see the option to open next to each title. (red arrow) Each check out lasts for 14 days and is renewable unless someone has a hold on the copy. To renew or return early, click on the “options” button (pink square).
This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at helpdesk@iusd.org.
Last updated 10/30/23 CK
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