This tutorial demonstrates how to set up a virtual background in Zoom.
STEP 1: Select Video Settings
To change a background while in a Zoom meeting, click on the UP ARROW in the bottom left corner next to the “Stop Video” button.
STEP 2: Open Virtual Background Menu
Click on the “Choose Virtual Background” option.
STEP 3: Select Background
A pop up window will appear with Zoom’s preset virtual backgrounds. Select your desired background to view it full size.
STEP 4: Uploading A Background
To add a virtual background, select the + sign above the preset backgrounds.
From the pop-up window that appears, select Add Image or Add Video.
Both options will launch a window that allows you to select a file on your computer. Once you’ve made your selection, select Open.
Your image or video will now appear under virtual backgrounds in your Zoom settings. Once you’ve made your selection, you may close this window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner.
This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at helpdesk@iusd.org.
Last Updated 5/10/24 CK
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