Learn360 is a collection of curated videos, interactives, printables and audio files that are tied to standards. There is an additional collection “Classroom Video on Demand” (CVOD) for grades 6-12 that has even more resources. This tutorial will show users how to log in, search, and share a video from Learn360/CVOD by link either for the whole video or for a segment of a video.
Step 1: Go to Learn360
Learn 360 Secondary
- Log in using your IUSD Google account
If this is your first time logging in, you will need to select a User Role.
- Select Student and click Create Account
Step 2: Search to find a resource
You can search for resources:
- By keyword
- By standard
- Browse by subject
- Browse by format
Once you find the video, interactive, printable, or another resource you would like to share by direct link, click on the share button.
Step 3: Embed link
A dropdown will appear sharing method options, click “Embed/ Link.”
Step 4: Copy the Embed Code
If you wish to display the video directly within a platform like Canvas, you can use the embed code using your HTML editor mode.
Step 5: Share a segment
If you want to share only a segment of the video, click on the segment option, then segment name in the list to the right of the original image.
Then click on the Share option above the video segment.
Navigate to the copy link tab and the link will be added to your clipboard. Selec the embed tab, and you will see the code which you can then copy.
This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at helpdesk@iusd.org.
Updated 1/24/24 CK
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