This guide will show how parents can access STAR Renaissance scores in SchoolCity.
What are STAR Renaissance Assessments? |
STAR Renaissance assessments are computer-adaptive tests of reading and math achievement. Several times each year all students in grades 1-5 participate in the STAR Math assessment, and students in grades 3-8 participate in STAR Reading. Scores are used as one of many pieces of information when determining the best way to support your child in English language arts and mathematics.
What is a computer-adaptive test? |
STAR tests are computer-adaptive, which means the difficulty of each child’s test is continually adjusted based on the child’s previous response. If a child answers a question correctly, the difficulty level of the next item is increased. If the child misses a question, the difficulty level decreases. Computer-adaptive tests help save time and prevent students from being presented with questions that are too difficult or too easy for them.
How can I view my child's scores? |
If your child has taken a STAR test during a district screening window you can view their scores in SchoolCity using the directions below:
- Navigate to online.schoolcity.com/iusd
- You will be directed to the OKTA login page for SchoolCity. Sign in with your child’s IUSD username and password
- Click Student History at the top of the screen to view a list of assessment results. STAR Renaissance test results are listed as “Renaissance Math” or “Renaissance Reading”.
What do these scores mean, and how will they be used? |
These test scores provide only one snapshot of how your child is doing in school. They will not be used as the sole determining factor in any high stakes decisions about your child, including qualification for any special programs. You will see three different types of scores for your child on the STAR Renaissance assessments:
Percentile Rank: Percentile ranks range from 1 to 99 and show how your child’s performance on the test compares with the performance of other students in the same grade nationally. For example, a percentile of 56 means a student performed better than 56% of students in the same grade nationally.
Performance Level: Performance levels describe a student’s performance based on their percentile rank. The goal for student performance is “Benchmark Met”, which indicates a percentile rank of 40 or above.
IUSD Performance Levels | |
Student Percentile Rank | Category |
1st-24th Percentile | Benchmark Not Met |
25th-39th Percentile | Benchmark Nearly Met |
40th Percentile & Above | Benchmark Met |
Scaled Score**: This score ranges from 600 to 1400 and is calculated based on the difficulty of questions presented to a student and the number of correct responses they provide. Since this score spans across grades (K-12), scaled scores may be used to look at student growth over time and across grades.
**Please note that STAR transitioned to a new Unified Scale in 2022-23. This means your child’s scaled scores may appear higher in 22-23 and beyond than in prior years. Only the scaled score will change, and other scores such as percentile and performance level will not be impacted. You can think of this change like switching from Celcius to Fahrenheit - both measure the same thing, they’re just on different scales.
Where can I find additional information? |
If you have any questions about your child’s performance in reading or math, please contact your child’s teacher.
This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at helpdesk@iusd.org.
Last updated 8/14/2024 [EP]
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