The Gopher Buddy extension assists with the management and performance of IUSD managed Chromebooks.
What is Gopher Buddy and why are we using it?
Gopher Buddy Alert - Device Update
What is Gopher Buddy and why are we using it?
Gopher Buddy helps us to manage our fleet of Chromebooks when they are on and off our campuses. It helps us answer questions like: "Who was the last user to log into this Chromebook?", "How much are students using their devices?", and "Was this device last used on campus or somewhere else?" Gopher Buddy helps link collected user session data to individual Chromebooks to answer the questions above and help us track down lost/stolen/missing Chromebooks. It also helps us to ensure that devices are receiving the latest OS and security updates so they can be used for state testing and provide the best access to online educational resources possible.
Privacy & Security
Gopher Buddy is a tool IUSD uses to help manage our fleet of Chromebooks. It is compliant with our privacy expectations outlined in our Technological Resources Acceptable Use Policy: BP - 6163.4. IUSD has a Data Privacy Agreement with the developer (Amplified IT) and we limit access to this data to particular users in our organization. Gopher Buddy gathers user session data (your IP and how long you were logged into which specific device) for IUSD student accounts on IUSD devices. It does not gather web activity or block any websites. This data collection should not be cause for alarm, and in many cases, most of this information is already gathered in part by other IUSD services. This tool helps to add missing context to that information and assists schools with running take-home Chromebook programs.
For more information, you can see the End User FAQs from Amplified IT.
Gopher Buddy Extension icon
When using your IUSD managed Chromebook, you will see the Gopher Buddy extension icon in your browser taskbar.
If your Chromebook is up to date, clicking on the Gopher Buddy will say "Chrome is up to date" and display the message below:
Gopher Buddy Alert - Device Update
If your Chromebook is one or more versions behind, the Gopher Buddy icon will include a red warning as shown.
When clicked, it will guide you through the Chrome update process.
- Click the "FIX IT" button
- FIX IT Popup
Clicking Fix It from the extension automatically opens the Chrome Settings tab and displays a popup with instructions on what steps may be needed, depending on the state of the device.
Personal Devices
You may see the Gopher Buddy icon when logged into a personal device using your IUSD Google Account. The Gopher Buddy will only provide update reminders and actions for IUSD managed devices. If you click on the extension icon, you will see the message below:
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at
Last updated 2/2/22 [JJ]
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