This tutorial will guide students through the steps of signing in to Savvas to access online textbooks.
Step 1: Log In
To access district supported Savvas (formerly Pearson) textbooks (e.g. myPerspectives, myWorld, Autentico Level 3), please visit https://iusd.org/savvas. If you are at school on a Windows device, you may be logged in automatically.
From home, or on a non-windows device, you will need to enter your district username and password.
Step 2: Select the Product
- In this next screen, you will see all Pearson products that you have access to. Please click on the textbook title to be taken into the online platform.
Step 3: Setting up your Account
- If this is the first time you are accessing your Pearson account, you will be prompted with a few questions to finalize your account, such as language preference, profile icon, and background image for your homepage.
- Once you have made your selections, click "Let's go!".
Step 4: Dashboard
- Your dashboard is ready! This is where you will access all Pearson products that you have access to.
This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at helpdesk@iusd.org.
Last Updated 11/15/2023 EE
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