This guide demonstrates how to login in to DBQ Online as a student.
Step 1: Login with Google
Visit https://dbqonline.com/login and under the Google Login box, click on Login with Google. You must log in with Google to access your IUSD DBQ account.
Use your IUSD Google Login to sign in to DBQ Online:
You will see the following message the first time you log in to DBQ Online. Once you click Allow the first time, you will not be prompted with the message in the future.
At IUSD, we are committed to ensuring our students' safety and privacy online. The district-supported software listed here meet State (AB-1584 and California Education Code section 49073.1) and Federal (FERPA) legal requirements and IUSD policy regarding data privacy. For more information about IUSD's technology safety efforts, visit our Privacy and Digital Citizenship pages.
Step 2: Join a Class
You will now see your Student Dashboard. The first time you log in, you will be asked for a 5-letter code to join your class. If you don't have a code, please contact your teacher for assistance.
Enter your 5-letter code and click Join A Class.
You should now see your class and any current assignments:
This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at helpdesk@iusd.org.
Last updated 12/6/23 CK
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