This tutorial will show users how to add a public library to their IUSD Overdrive account through the Sora app. Once added, users will be able to search either collection (IUSD’s or OCPL’s collection) for Overdrive ebooks. Staff can use Sora to connect as well but note that this will limit you to the juvenile and young adult collection at OCPL. There is the Libby app for the public libraries but this does not connect with the IUSD ebook collection and is not intended for students.
Step 1: Installing the app
Install the Sora app on the device from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or go to soraapp.com. Click on the “I have a setup code” at the bottom.
Step 2: Enter setup code
Enter the setup code “irvineusdca” and then the green button “Get started.”
Step 3: Sign in
Login with your school computer user information (without the email format)
Step 4: Adding a public library
Once you are logged in to IUSD’s Overdrive collection, you will see the “hamburger” icon in the top right corner and click on it. that to open the side window on the right.
In the window that opens to the right, you will see the option to “Add a Public Library.”
Search for “OC Public Libraries” and click on the green “This is my Library”.
Step 5: Borrowing an ebook
In the OC Public Library, you will see books from that library that you may want to read. When you click on a book and choose the option “Borrow’ you will see the option to “Sign in.”
Step 6: Linking your account
You will then need to do a one-time link with your school account by using that option to “Sign in” and choosing Irvine Unified School District. Sign in with your school computer login and this will be remembered the next time.
Step 7: Viewing your libraries
Once you have linked your school and public library accounts, you will see them both in your Sora profile. Now when you search for a title, the search will be across both libraries. The school library collection will be displayed first.
This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.
If you have any questions, submit a new ticket or email us at helpdesk@iusd.org.
Updated 11/17/23 CK
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